Wiseman Data Privacy| Enquiries@WisemanDataPrivacy.Com
Wiseman Data Privacy Keeping Data Privacy Simple

Who is it for?

If you don’t have your own data privacy officer, and perhaps don’t need to employ one full time, but could do with a bit of data privacy advice now and again, this is for you. It might be that you have a particular project under way that needs a bit of data privacy input, or perhaps your marketing, data or leadership team has a list of questions about data privacy that need to be answered. No problem, the privacy doctor will visit (either in person or via Zoom/Teams/Skype) and spend a day or half a day answering your questions and advising you.

What is included?

Attendance at your premises, or a suitable venue or a half/whole day virtual visit via Zoom/Teams/Skype If applicable, a written summary of advice given Follow up call to confirm that all went well 10% discount on future work taken in the next 6 months What is not included? Ongoing support, beyond the follow up call (and any reasonable follow-up queries) Any further work or documentation (other than a summary of advice given during the surgery) Mileage or Venue hire, if applicable

What will I get?

You’ll get dedicated, quality time with a data privacy expert, on your premises or via Zoom/Teams as agreed. How we structure the time is is up to you . You might decide to have pre-bookable appointments for your employees, or an open ‘drop in’ clinic. Alternatively, you might decide to hold a half-day or full-day project meeting where you can blitz all the queries relating to a particular project. Or perhaps you’d prefer the privacy doctor to spend the time sitting with one particular department, going through all their concerns. We can be as flexible as you need us to be!

Please note:

To make sure you get the most out of your time with the Privacy Doctor, if you are looking for help with a particular project, problem or topic, we’d ask that you provide us with a little background beforehand.


Of course, confidentiality is vital both to your business and to ours, and anything you and your employees tell us about your business in the course of a surgery remains confidential both while we’re working together and afterwards.

In-house Data Privacy Surgeries:

£375 per half day

The privacy doctor will see you
